Colin Firth in Bridget Jones’s Diary, which, if you think about it, was a Christmas movie.
This bit of snark courtesy of Instagram..
Men get a lot of nonsense at Christmas, and not just holiday-themed sweaters. A recent gift guide go-to was whiskey stones — cubes of frozen soapstone used as ice cubes that wouldn’t melt and dilute an expensive single malt.
But despite the fact that they don’t really work, they refused to go gentle into that good night, and are now shorthand for silly men’s presents, along with beard oil and anything leather (see chart.)
The gifts below tread the line between silly and practical. They’re also pretty genderless. I’d be happy to receive any one of them.
Instead of, say, a monogrammed leather passport cover*, give him his initial filled with an assortment of delicious Scandinavian candy from Sukker Baby Toronto, ($69 plus cost of letter.) These high fructose corn syrup-free scandi treats make for a gift that will be greeted with true delight instead of polite smiles.
*We all know you have to remove the cover when you reach passport control, so that’s one item that always puzzled me.
Why are contemplative baths only for women? Everyone needs to hide out in a steamy room, submerged in hot, fragrant water. Steeping in a Dr. Hauschka Spruce Warming Bath, $35,, is a powerful sense memory of being in a forest and the bathroom will stay beautifully scented for hours afterwards.
Give a guy a break and prevent him from pulling something when cleaning off the car this winter. The Karcher electric ice scraper, $79, Canadian Tire, will make quick work of that impenetrable ice glaze that covers the windows when the car sits outside overnight and the temperatures rise and then drop precipitously.
We love a shacket, and this toasty, quilted fleece version from Brixton, $180,, comes in pure orange for your favourite peacocking gentleman or in a clutch of more neutral shades if standing out is not his thing.
Now that everyone uses their phone to tell time, luxury watches serve mainly as a way to spend a truckload of money. But an oversized, brightly coloured G-Shock,, is fun, a tiny bit silly and has the childlike appeal of a hard-won midway prize.
If your family doesn’t have their Scrabble tiles in a Crown Royal bag, buy a bottle of the famous Gimli, Manitoba whiskey now, ($46.45,, while they are offering the signature purple drawstring bag as a gift-with-purchase. Then drink it with ice, not whiskey stones, or add a generous slug to liven up everyone’s cup of grocery store eggnog.